Saturday, September 28, 2024

Life for Life

“Pay attention to what I am telling you. 
The Son of Man is to be handed over to men.” 
(Luke 9:44)

Jesus gave His life that we may have life. His sacrifice is the ultimate act of love and selflessness. It’s inspiring to see how His example can guide us to live lives of humility, compassion, and service to others. As a good soldier of the Lord, He wants you to pay attention to what He is telling you today.

In the quiet of the morning light,
A sacrifice, a love so bright,
One life given, one life saved,
In humble service, paths are paved.

A heart that beats with selfless grace,
In every act, in every place,
A life laid down, a life restored,
In the name of love, in the name of the Lord.

Compassion flows like rivers wide,
In every tear, in every stride,
A life for a life, a sacred call,
To lift the weary, to catch the fall.

In the shadow of the cross we see,
The greatest gift, the victory,
A life for a life, a holy trade,
In this exchange, true love displayed.

Lord Jesus,

You gave Your life for us, a perfect sacrifice of love and grace. In response, we offer our lives to You, seeking to serve and honor You in all we do.

Help us to live with humility, recognizing that our lives are not our own but are meant to reflect Your love and compassion. Teach us to be selfless and sacrificial, putting the needs of others before our own, just as You did.

Grant us the strength to trust in You during challenging times, knowing that Your plans are greater than our own. May our actions be a testament to Your goodness and mercy, drawing others closer to You.

Guide us in our daily walk, that we may live out our faith in practical ways, always keeping an eternal perspective. Let our lives be a living prayer, a constant offering of praise and thanksgiving to You.

In Your holy name, we pray.


V: The Journey to Jerusalem: Luke's Travel Narrative
Luke 9:43-45

Gospel Acclamation
Our Savior Christ Jesus destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.

Gospel | Luke 9:43-45

43 While they were all amazed at his every deed, Jesus said to his disciples, 44 “Pay attention to what I am telling you. The Son of Man is to be handed over to men.” 45 But they did not understand this saying; its meaning was hidden from them so that they should not understand it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.

Reflection Source:
Conversation with Copilot

Do For Jesus

  "Amen, I say to you,  whatever you did  for one of these  least brothers of mine,  you did for Me." (Matthew 25:40) Jesus teache...