Monday, July 22, 2024

Stop Holding On

Jesus said to her, 
“Stop holding on to me, 
for I have not yet ascended to the Father."
(John 20:17)

Jesus knows us individually and calls us by name. A deeper and personal relationship with Jesus can bring profound change in our lives. He can use anyone, regardless of our past or societal status, to spread His message. Faith often requires trusting in God’s promises even when we do not fully understand His ways. Let us hold on to our faith, share our faith boldly, knowing that God’s plans are always for our good. When we turn to Him, we can find comfort and hope of His resurrection in our daily lives.. This hope can sustain us through the darkest times, just as it transformed the despair of Jesus’ followers into joy and renewed purpose. Trusting in God’s plan and timing can turn our mourning into dancing.

1 On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdalene came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. 2 So she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” 11 Mary stayed outside the tomb weeping. And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had been. 13 And they said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid him.” 14 When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus there, but did not know it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” She thought it was the gardener and said to him, “Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take him.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni,” which means Teacher. 17 Jesus said to her, “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” 18 Mary of Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and then reported what he told her. (John 20:1-2, 11-18)

Jesus knows us, each by name, In His love, we find no shame. A deeper bond, a sacred tie, Transforms our hearts, lifts us high. No past too dark, no status low, Through us, His message starts to grow. Faith demands we trust His plan, Even when we don’t understand. Hold on to faith, share it bold, God’s promises, a treasure of gold. In Him, we find comfort and hope, His resurrection helps us cope. Through darkest times, His light will shine, Turning sorrow into joy divine. Trust in His timing, His perfect way, Mourning turns to dancing, a brighter day.

Dear Lord Jesus, You know us each by name, and in Your love, we find our true identity. Help us to deepen our relationship with You, for we know that in Your presence, our lives can be profoundly changed. Use us, regardless of our past or our place in society, to spread Your message of love and salvation. Grant us the faith to trust in Your promises, even when we do not fully understand Your ways. Strengthen our resolve to hold on to our faith and to share it boldly, knowing that Your plans are always for our good. When we turn to You, may we find comfort and hope in the promise of Your resurrection. Let this hope sustain us through the darkest times, just as it transformed the despair of Your followers into joy and renewed purpose. Teach us to trust in Your plan and timing, knowing that You can turn our mourning into dancing. Fill our hearts with Your peace and guide us with Your wisdom. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

We should seek a deeper love relationship with God. This pursuit is often marked by periods of longing and searching, but ultimately leads to a fulfilling connection with the divine. Joy and fulfillment comes from experiencing God’s loving presence in our lives. In our own relationships and spiritual journeys, it is important to have an unwavering devotion and commitment in both romantic and spiritual relationships. We should remain dedicated and faithful, even when faced with challenges. Seeking help from others can be crucial in our search for love and spiritual fulfillment. Let us persevere in our relationships and seek out those we love, even when it requires a lot of effort and patience. At the end of the day, holding on to love for God and for one another is what truly matters.

1 The Bride says: On my bed at night I sought him whom my heart loves—I sought him but I did not find him. 2 I will rise then and go about the city; in the streets and crossings I will seek him whom my heart loves. I sought him but I did not find him. 3 The watchmen came upon me as they made their rounds of the city. Have you seen him whom my heart loves? 4 I had hardly left them when I found him whom my heart loves. (Song of Songs 3:1-4)

In the quiet moments of our days, We seek a love that never sways. A deeper bond with God above, A journey marked by endless love. Through longing hearts and searching eyes, We find the joy that never dies. In His presence, we are whole, His love, the anchor of our soul. In life’s relationships, we see, A mirror of His love so free. Unwavering devotion, strong and true, In romance and in faith, we pursue. Challenges may come our way, But steadfast hearts will never sway. With patience, effort, and a prayer, We find the love that’s always there. In seeking help, we find our strength, In others’ love, we go great lengths. Perseverance in our quest, Brings us to the love that’s best. For in the end, what matters most, Is love for God, our guiding post. And love for others, pure and bright, A beacon in the darkest night. So let us hold this love so dear, With faith and hope, we persevere. For in His love, we find our way, To joy and peace, each blessed day.

Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts longing for a deeper relationship with You. In our pursuit of Your divine love, we often find ourselves in periods of searching and yearning. Yet, we trust that this journey leads us to a fulfilling connection with You, where joy and fulfillment abound in Your loving presence. Lord, in our relationships and spiritual journeys, grant us unwavering devotion and commitment. Help us to remain dedicated and faithful, even when faced with challenges and trials. May our love for You and for one another be steadfast and true. We acknowledge the importance of seeking help from others in our quest for love and spiritual fulfillment. Give us the humility to reach out and the courage to persevere in our relationships. Teach us patience and effort, knowing that these virtues bring us closer to the love we seek. At the end of each day, remind us that holding on to love for You and for one another is what truly matters. May Your love be our guiding light, leading us to joy, peace, and a deeper connection with You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

God’s steadfast love is better than life itself. True contentment comes from a deep relationship with Him. We should prioritize our relationship with God above all else, recognizing that His love is the most valuable and fulfilling aspect of our lives. In times of difficulty, we can find assurance in knowing that God upholds us and provides the support we need to persevere.  Even in challenging times, we can find strength and comfort by turning to God and desiring to experience His glory. No matter the circumstances, God’s presence and love are constant sources of comfort and joy. By meditating on God’s goodness and faithfulness, especially during quiet moments, we can cultivate a sense of peace and fulfillment that transcends our circumstances. Let us praise and worship God with heartfelt devotion.

2 O God, you are my God whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water. (R) 3 Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary to see your power and your glory, 4 for your kindness is a greater good than life; my lips shall glorify you. (R) 5 Thus will I bless you while I live; lifting up my hands, I will call upon your name. 6 As with the riches of a banquet shall my soul be satisfied, and with exultant lips my mouth shall praise you. (R) 8 You are my help, and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy. 9 My soul clings fast to you; your right hand upholds me. (Psalm 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9)

God’s steadfast love, better than life itself, In His embrace, true contentment is found. Above all else, our hearts should dwell, In His love, the most precious, profound. In times of trial, assurance we gain, God upholds us, His support never wanes. Through challenges, His strength we obtain, In His glory, our spirits remain. No matter the storm, His presence is near, A constant source of comfort and cheer. Meditating on His goodness, so clear, In quiet moments, His peace we revere. Let us praise and worship with hearts so pure, In God’s faithfulness, our souls find cure. With heartfelt devotion, our love endures, In His steadfast love, we are secure.

Heavenly Father, Your steadfast love is better than life itself. In Your embrace, we find true contentment. Help us to prioritize our relationship with You above all else, recognizing that Your love is the most valuable and fulfilling aspect of our lives. In times of difficulty, we find assurance in knowing that You uphold us and provide the support we need to persevere. Even in challenging times, we draw strength and comfort by turning to You and desiring to experience Your glory. No matter the circumstances, Your presence and love are constant sources of comfort and joy. By meditating on Your goodness and faithfulness, especially during quiet moments, we cultivate a sense of peace and fulfillment that transcends our circumstances. Let us praise and worship You with heartfelt devotion, always seeking to deepen our relationship with You. May our lives reflect Your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


III: The Book of Glory
John 20:1-18

First Reading
The Song of Songs by Solomon
Song of Songs 3:1-11

Responsorial Psalm 
Second Book of Psalms 42-72
Psalm 63:1-12

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