Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Mighty Deeds Done in your Midst

“Woe to you, Chorazin! 
Woe to you, Bethsaida! 
For if the mighty deeds done in your midst 
had been done in Tyre and Sidon, 
they would long ago have repented 
in sackcloth and ashes."
 (Matthew 11:21)

Jesus urges immediate repentance, highlighting that delaying or ignoring God’s call can lead to severe consequences. God’s judgment is just and proportionate. Those who have greater knowledge and witness of God’s works are held to a higher standard. Experiencing God’s works comes with the responsibility to respond in faith and repentance. Let us turn away from sin and seek God’s forgiveness.

20 Jesus began to reproach the towns where most of his mighty deeds had been done, since they had not repented. 21 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented in sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you. 23 And as for you, Capernaum: Will you be exalted to heaven? You will go down to the netherworld. For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. 24 But I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.”  (Matthew 11:20-24)

In the stillness of the night, a voice so clear, Jesus calls, urging us to draw near. Delay not, for time swiftly flies, Ignoring His call, our soul denies. God’s judgment, just and true, Proportionate to what we knew. Witnessing His works, a sacred trust, To respond in faith, we surely must. With knowledge comes a higher call, To stand in faith, lest we fall. Turn from sin, seek His grace, In His forgiveness, find your place. Repentance now, not a moment to waste, For in His love, we are embraced. Let us heed His call, sincere and true, In God’s light, our lives renew.

Lord Jesus, we come before You with humble hearts, acknowledging Your call for immediate repentance. We understand that delaying or ignoring Your call can lead to severe consequences. Your judgment is just and proportionate, and we recognize that those who have greater knowledge and witness of Your works are held to a higher standard. Lord, we have experienced Your mighty works and felt Your presence in our lives. With this privilege comes the responsibility to respond in faith and repentance. Help us to turn away from sin and seek Your forgiveness with sincere hearts. Grant us the strength to heed Your call without delay. Fill us with Your grace and mercy, that we may walk in Your light and live according to Your will. May our lives be a testament to Your love and righteousness. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

God is present and active even in times of crisis. We should prioritize our reliance on God over human solutions and trust in Him rather than human strategies. Faith in God is crucial, especially when facing challenges. Lack of faith and disobedience leads to negative consequences. Fear can paralyze us, but faith empowers us to move forward with confidence. Let us seek God’s guidance and presence when we are in difficult situations and trust in His control over all situations, no matter how dire they seem.

1 In the days of Ahaz, king of Judah, son of Jotham, son of Uzziah, Rezin, king of Aram, and Pekah, king of Israel, son of Remaliah, went up to attack Jerusalem, but they were not able to conquer it. 2 When word came to the house of David that Aram was encamped in Ephraim, the heart of the king and heart of the people trembled, as the trees of the forest tremble in the wind. 3 Then the Lord said to Isaiah: Go out to meet Ahaz, you and your son Shear-jashub, at the end of the conduit of the upper pool, on the highway of the fuller’s field, 4 and say to him: Take care you remain tranquil and do not fear; let not your courage fail before these two stumps of smoldering brands [the blazing anger of Rezin and the Arameans, and of the son of Remaliah], 5 because of the mischief that Aram [Ephraim and the son of Remaliah] plots against you, saying, 6 “Let us go up and tear Judah asunder, make it our own by force, and appoint the son of Tabeel king there.” 7 Thus says the Lord: This shall not stand, it shall not be! 8 Damascus is the capital of Aram, and Rezin the head of Damascus; Samaria is the capital of Ephraim, and Remaliah’s son the head of Samaria. 9 But within sixty years and five, Ephraim shall be crushed, no longer a nation. Unless your faith is firm you shall not be firm! (Isaiah 7:1-9)

In times of crisis, God is near, His presence felt, His voice so clear. When human plans begin to fail, In God alone, we must prevail. Our trust in Him, our guiding light, Through darkest days and endless night. Faith in God, our steadfast shield, In every battle, never yield. Disobedience brings its toll, A heavy burden on the soul. But faith, a beacon shining bright, Transforms our fear into pure might. When fear would paralyze our heart, Faith gives us strength to make a start. With confidence, we face the storm, In God’s embrace, we are reborn. So seek His guidance, feel His grace, In every trial, find your place. Trust in His control, His loving hand, For in His care, we firmly stand.

Heavenly Father, in times of crisis, we acknowledge Your presence and active hand in our lives. Help us to prioritize our reliance on You over human solutions and to trust in Your divine wisdom rather than our own strategies. Grant us unwavering faith, especially when we face challenges. Remind us that lack of faith and disobedience lead to negative consequences, but faith in You empowers us to move forward with confidence. When fear threatens to paralyze us, fill our hearts with courage and strength. Let us seek Your guidance and feel Your presence in every difficult situation. We trust in Your control over all circumstances, no matter how dire they may seem. Thank You for being our refuge and strength. We place our trust in You, knowing that You are always with us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

God’s presence brings beauty and joy to our lives. Knowing that God is our refuge encourages us to seek His protection and strength in our own lives. We should recognize and respect God’s mighty presence in our lives. With God on our side, we need not fear any challenge. God protects us and deliver us from any situation. Let us live with confidence, knowing that God is our refuge and strength.

2 Great is the Lord and wholly to be praised in the city of our God. His holy mountain, 3 fairest of heights, is the joy of all the earth. (R) Mount Zion, “the recesses of the North,” is the city of the great King. 4 God is with her castles; renowned is he as a stronghold. (R) 5 For lo! the kings assemble, they come on together; 6 they also see, and at once are stunned, terrified, routed. (R) 7 Quaking seizes them there; anguish like a woman’s in labor, 8 as though a wind from the east were shattering ships of Tarshish. (Psalm 48:2-3, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8) 

In the quiet moments, beauty and joy arise, for God’s presence fills our lives, a wondrous prize. A refuge strong, a shelter in the storm, in His embrace, we find our true form. With faith, we seek His strength and might, in every shadow, He brings forth light. No fear can bind us, no challenge too great, for God is our refuge, our steadfast fate. His mighty presence, we honor and revere, in His protection, we have no fear. From every trial, He delivers with grace, in His love, we find our place. So let us live with confidence, hearts full of song, for with God as our refuge, we are strong. In His strength, we stand, unwavering and true, God’s presence brings beauty and joy anew.

Heavenly Father, we come before You with grateful hearts, acknowledging the beauty and joy Your presence brings into our lives. We are comforted knowing that You are our refuge, our protector, and our strength. Lord, help us to seek Your protection and strength in every aspect of our lives. May we always recognize and respect Your mighty presence, understanding that with You by our side, we need not fear any challenge. We trust in Your divine protection and deliverance from every situation we face. Fill us with confidence and courage, knowing that You are our refuge and strength. Thank You, Lord, for Your unwavering love and guidance. May we live each day with the assurance that You are with us, now and forever. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


IV: Opposition from Israel
Matthew 11:20-24

First Reading
II: Immanuel Prophecies
Isaiah 7:1-25

Responsorial Psalm
The Second Book of Psalms 42-72
Psalm 48:1-15

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