Saturday, May 4, 2024

I have Chosen you Out of the World

"If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; 
but because you do not belong to the world, 
and I have chosen you out of the world, 
the world hates you."
(John 15:19)

Our identification with Christ gives the distinction between being in the world and being of the world. As followers of Christ, we should not be surprised or discouraged by opposition or misunderstanding from the world. Jesus makes it clear that being His follower will not be easy and will often put us at odds with the world. Rejection or persecution does not necessarily mean we are in the wrong; it could be a result of standing up for Christ. Despite the challenges and persecutions, let us remain faithful and steadfast in our walk with Christ, even in the face of adversity.

18 Jesus said to his disciples: “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. 20 Remember the word I spoke to you, ‘No slave is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. 21 And they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know the one who sent me.” (John 15:18-21)

In this world, not of it, we reside, with Christ as our guide, in Him, we confide. As followers of Him, in His footsteps, we tread, not surprised by opposition, but by His love, we're led. Jesus made it clear, the path won't be easy, being His follower, the world won't be breezy. At odds with the world, for His name, we stand, carrying our cross, guided by His hand. Rejection or persecution, we may face, but it's not a sign of disgrace. It could be a result of standing up for Christ, in the face of adversity, His love sufficed. Despite the challenges, the trials we navigate, in our walk with Christ, let us participate. Faithful and steadfast, let us remain, for in Christ, we have everything to gain.

Dear Lord Jesus, we acknowledge that our identification with You gives us the distinction between being in the world and being of the world. As Your followers, we understand that we should not be surprised or discouraged by opposition or misunderstanding from the world. You have made it clear that being Your follower will not be easy and will often put us at odds with the world. We understand that rejection or persecution does not necessarily mean we are in the wrong; it could be a result of standing up for You. Despite the challenges and persecutions, we commit to remain faithful and steadfast in our walk with You, even in the face of adversity. We trust in Your guidance and protection, and we pray for the strength to persevere and the wisdom to understand Your will. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

God’s leads our lives in accordance with His will and purpose. Let us be flexible and open to to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, even when it meant changing our plans. We are called to share the Gospel to the ends of the world. It is important to take into consideration cultural sensitivities in our interactions with others and the value of teamwork in accomplishing God’s work. Our initial plans may be hindered and things may not turn out as expected but at the end of the day, it is always God's plan that prevails. Let us always trust in the Lord's plan for our lives.

1 Paul reached also Derbe and Lystra where there was a disciple named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek. 2 The brothers in Lystra and Iconium spoke highly of him, 3 and Paul wanted him to come along with him. On account of the Jews of that region, Paul had him circumcised, for they all knew that his father was a Greek. 4 As they traveled from city to city, they handed on to the people for observance the decisions reached by the Apostles and presbyters in Jerusalem. 5 Day after day the churches grew stronger in faith and increased in number. 6 They traveled through the Phrygian and Galatian territory because they had been prevented by the Holy Spirit from preaching the message in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to Mysia, they tried to go on into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them, 8 so they crossed through Mysia and came down to Troas. 9 During the night Paul had a vision. A Macedonian stood before him and implored him with these words, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 When he had seen the vision, we sought passage to Macedonia at once, concluding that God had called us to proclaim the Good News to them. (Acts 16:1-10)

In the grand design of His divine tapestry, God leads our lives with purpose and mastery. With His will as our compass, His love as our guide, we journey through life, with Him by our side. Flexible and open, we must remain, to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we ascertain. Even when our plans take a different turn, in His wisdom, there's always something to learn. Called to share the Gospel, far and wide, to the ends of the world, with Him as our guide. With respect and love, we must interact, cultural sensitivities, we must not detract. In God's grand mission, teamwork is key, together we work, in unity, we agree. Accomplishing His work, hand in hand, spreading His love throughout the land. Our plans may falter, our path may twist, but God's plan prevails, through the mist. Though things may not turn out as we expected, in His plan, we are always directed. So let us trust, in the Lord's plan, for He guides us, since time began. In every high, in every low, in His love, we continue to grow.

Dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that You lead our lives in accordance with Your will and purpose. Help us to be flexible and open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, even when it means changing our plans. We understand that we are called to share the Gospel to the ends of the world. Lord, grant us the wisdom to take into consideration cultural sensitivities in our interactions with others. Remind us of the value of teamwork in accomplishing Your work. We know that our initial plans may be hindered and things may not turn out as expected, but at the end of the day, it is always Your plan that prevails. Help us to always trust in Your plan for our lives. Even when we face challenges and uncertainties, let us find comfort in knowing that You are in control. May we always seek Your guidance and wisdom in all that we do. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

God is our Creator. We are not self-made but are created and sustained by God. He takes care of us, provides for our needs and guides us in our daily lives. His love and salvation are available to all people, not just a select few. We may change but God never changes. His unchanging nature brings to fulfillment all that He had promised. Let us live with gratitude, humility, trust, and a spirit of inclusivity, acknowledging God in all aspects of our lives and trusting in His enduring love and faithfulness. Our worship should not be a burden or a duty, but a joyful expression of our love and gratitude towards God.

1 Sing joyfully to the Lord, all you lands; 2 serve the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful song. 3 Know that the Lord is God; he made us, his we are; his people, the flock he tends. 5 The Lord is good, his kindness endures forever, and his faithfulness, to all generations. (Psalm 100:1-2, 3, 5) 

In the grand design of life, so vast and wide, God, our Creator, is our constant guide. Not self-made, but by His hand we're formed, in His image, in love, we're adorned. He cares for us, meets our every need, guides us daily, in thought, word, and deed. His love and salvation, a gift so free, available to all, like a boundless sea. We may change, like shifting sands of time, but God remains constant, sublime. His promises fulfilled, His word so pure, in His unchanging nature, we find our cure. With gratitude and humility, let us live, to God, our trust and faith, let us give. Inclusivity, a spirit we must embrace, acknowledging God in every space. His enduring love, His faithfulness so grand, guides us gently, by His loving hand. Our worship, a joyful expression, a song, to God, our Creator, where we belong.

Dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge You as our Creator. We are not self-made but are created and sustained by You. You take care of us, provide for our needs, and guide us in our daily lives. Your love and salvation are available to all people, not just a select few. Though we may change, You never do. Your unchanging nature brings to fulfillment all that You have promised. Help us to live with gratitude, humility, trust, and a spirit of inclusivity. May we acknowledge You in all aspects of our lives and trust in Your enduring love and faithfulness. Let our worship not be a burden or a duty, but a joyful expression of our love and gratitude towards You. May our lives reflect Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


III: The Book of Glory
John 15:18-27

First Reading
V. The Mission of Paul to the Ends of the Earth
Acts 16:1-5 / 6-10

Responsorial Psalm
Fourth Book of Psalms 90-106
Psalm 100:1-5

Reflection Source:

Do For Jesus

  "Amen, I say to you,  whatever you did  for one of these  least brothers of mine,  you did for Me." (Matthew 25:40) Jesus teache...