Saturday, June 15, 2024

Yes Mean Yes and No Mean No

Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ 
and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ 
Anything more is from the evil one.” 
(Matthew 5:37)

We are called to be genuine and truthful in all our dealings, reflecting the righteousness that comes from the heart. Our words should reflect our true intentions without the need for oaths to bolster credibility. There is power in a simple “yes” or “no”; overcomplicating our speech can lead to misunderstandings or deceit. Let us live out our faith with honesty and transparency, aligning our actions with the teachings of Jesus.

33 Jesus said to his disciples: “You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, Do not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow. 34 But I say to you, do not swear at all; not by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 nor by the earth, for it is his footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 Do not swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. 37 Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one.” (Matthew 5:33-37)

In words of truth, we stand sincere, Reflecting righteousness so clear. No oaths we need, nor grand display, For in our hearts, His teachings sway. With “yes” and “no,” we speak our part, A simple power from the start. Our speech, unclad in needless guise, Avoids the web where falsehood lies. Let honesty be our firm creed, In every thought, in every deed. Transparent lives, like glass so pure, In Jesus’ path, we are secure. So let us walk with hearts ablaze, In truthful ways, His name we praise. Our actions mirror what we say, As we live out our faith each day.

Lord Jesus, guide us in Your grace, To be genuine in every place. May truthfulness in all we do, Reflect the righteousness from You. Help our words to mirror our heart, Without oaths, let our speech impart. The power of a simple “yes” or “no,” In clarity, let our answers flow. Guard us from complicating talk, Where misunderstandings often stalk. Lead us away from deceit’s snare, With honesty, our souls lay bare. We seek to live with open hands, Aligning actions with Your commands. In transparency, may we be found, With faith that’s firm on solid ground. In Your teachings, may we abide, With honesty as our constant guide. Let us reflect Your love so vast, From this day forth, until the last. Amen.

God often calls people while they are in the midst of their everyday tasks. We should remain faithful in our current responsibilities, for God can call us at any time. It is important to answer God’s call promptly and without hesitation. Answering God’s call often involves making sacrifices. When we decide to follow God’s call, we should do so wholeheartedly, leaving behind anything that could potentially hold us back. Let us live a life of faith, obedience, and generosity, committing ourselves fully to God's service, and sharing His blessings with others.

19 Elijah set out, and came upon Elisha, son of Shaphat, as he was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen; he was following the twelfth. Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak over him. 20 Elisha left the oxen, ran after Elijah, and said, “Please, let me kiss my father and mother goodbye, and I will follow you.” Elijah answered, “Go back! Have I done anything to you?” 21 Elisha left him and, taking the yoke of oxen, slaughtered them; he used the plowing equipment for fuel to boil their flesh, and gave it to his people to eat. Then he left and followed Elijah as his attendant. (1 Kings 19:19-21)

In the midst of tasks, both big and small, God's voice echoes, a gentle call. In our duties, let faithfulness never wane, for in unexpected moments, God's call may rain. Answer promptly, let not hesitation bind, God's call is a treasure, precious to find. Sacrifices may come, as we heed His voice, yet in His perfect plan, we'll rejoice. When we decide to follow, let nothing hold us back, wholeheartedly we step forward, on this holy track. Leaving behind the old, embracing the divine, in God's service, our lives align. Living a life of faith, obedience our song, in generosity we find, where we truly belong. Committing ourselves fully, in service we stand, sharing His blessings, across the land.

Dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that You often call us while we are in the midst of our everyday tasks. Help us to remain faithful in our current responsibilities, for we know that You can call us at any time. Grant us the courage to answer Your call promptly and without hesitation. We understand that answering Your call often involves making sacrifices. When we decide to follow Your call, help us to do so wholeheartedly, leaving behind anything that could potentially hold us back. Lord, guide us to live a life of faith, obedience, and generosity. We commit ourselves fully to Your service, and we ask for Your grace to share Your blessings with others. In all things, may Your will be done. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

God is the source of all good things in our lives. He is our safety and refuge, our inheritance and our satisfaction. Apart from God, we have no good thing. We should trust in God rely on Him in all circumstances. Even in the darkest times, we can find comfort and guidance in God’s wisdom. God is with us and He will not abandon us. Let us trust in God, seek His counsel, find our satisfaction in Him, and rejoice in the hope of the resurrection. 

1 Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge; 2 I say to the Lord, “My Lord are you.” 5 O Lord, my allotted portion and my cup, you it is who hold fast my lot. (R) 7 I bless the Lord who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. 8 I set the Lord ever before me; with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. (R) 9 Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence; 10 because you will not abandon my soul to the nether world, nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption. (Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10)

In the shelter of Your wings, we find our peace, A refuge from the storm, where fears cease. You are the source of every good and perfect thing, Our rock, our fortress, the reason we sing. Our inheritance, Lord, is in Your hand, A promised land where milk and honey stand. In You alone, our satisfaction lies, Apart from You, every good thing dies. In the darkest valleys, when shadows loom, Your wisdom guides us through the gloom. Your counsel whispers in the silent night, A beacon of hope, a guiding light. With You beside us, we shall not fall, For You are with us through it all. You will not leave us; this we know, For Your love is constant; it does not go. Rejoice in hope of resurrection’s dawn, The grave could not hold; its power is gone. In life or death, we are Yours to keep, In Your promise eternal, we find our sleep. Let us trust in You with all our heart, From Your path of love may we never depart. Seeking Your counsel in every decision, Finding in You our ultimate vision.

Heavenly Father, You are the source of all good things in our lives, Our safety and refuge in strife. You are our inheritance and our satisfaction, Apart from You, we have no good thing in action. We trust in You and rely on You in all circumstances, In every joy and trial, in all life’s dances. Even in the darkest times, when we feel alone, We find comfort and guidance at Your throne. You are with us, Lord; You will not abandon, Your presence is a constant companion. Help us to trust in You, seek Your counsel true, Find our satisfaction solely in You. Let us rejoice in the hope of the resurrection, In Christ’s victory and Your protection. May our hearts be ever faithful and contrite, As we walk with You in Your holy light. Amen.


II: The Proclamation of the Kingdom
Matthew 5:33-37

First Reading
III: Stories of the Prophets
1 Kings 19:19-21

Responsorial Psalm
First Book of Psalms 1-41
Psalm 16:1-11

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